Sunday, December 12, 2010

It Is Official!

This is the post that will probably surprise nobody.

C and I are officially getting married!

The question everyone has been asking me (or at least every girl has been asking): How did he do it?
Answer: On the top of the London Eye.  Last Saturday, we made a day of doing various Christmassy things in London, beginning with the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, a late lunch in a pub, and the Camden Market.  The Eye was our last stop of the day before heading home.  What he told me was that we should get a picture of us on the top.  So we just enjoyed the ride up, watching the scenery and enjoying everything lit up for the evening and with Christmas lights.  At the top, we handed off my camera to another person in the pod for our picture.  Of course, I forgot to turn the flash on before passing it over, but oh well.  Then he ignored the camera... and the minute he began talking, I realized what was coming.  After a brief second of panic (of the OMG he's doing it! variety, not a bad kind of panic), I ended up with a death grip on his jacket and shaking harder than I even realized was possible before.  My grip was so tight he even had to push me backwards a little bit so that he could kneel to ask! I was shaking so hard I could barely even stand. 

Now, for the other questions we've been asked:
Do you have a date? 
Mid-2012, May/Juneish.  That's about as close as we've gotten, there's a few other things to figure out too, like immigration.
Where will the wedding be?
California.  The States gets about half the vacation time that England does (at most), so it will be far easier for his folks to get the time off.  Most of my family would probably not be able to come at all if we had it over here.  Plus with the exchange rate, the wedding itself will be less expensive in Cali.
Who's moving?
Ah, the oh so huge question.  We haven't finalised that yet, will announce at some point in the future.

Of course, this has made it tough to focus on coursework when all I want to do is google wedding planning things!  So I've been bribing myself all week with it, if I get so much work done, then I can google.  So far it's worked :)  We'll be looking at venues when we visit in January, so will spend the next few weeks looking up places to visit.    In the meantime, he's coming down this weekend, so I better finish up my chores! I'm still getting so jittery when I think about it... and distracted by the shiny-ness on my finger! :D

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanksgiving and Snow

It has once again been too long since I last posted.  Unfortunately it looks like it will have to be for a while, as Christmas is fast approaching and with it, final projects and papers.  But on to the real update.

Thanksgiving in England was... well, pretty much like any other day, since it's not celebrated here.  I just made some pumpkin pie, and enjoyed it with the Christian Union that I've been going to on Thursdays.  The oven here in halls rather sucks, so some top patches got burnt, but it still tasted like pumpkin pie so it was okay.  The next day it was back up to C's for his parents birthdays.  Had a nice family dinner for them, then I made some more pie for them.  It turned out much better coming from the better oven.  His mom is a fantastic cook, so I was a bit nervous about it, but I knew I had done fine when she asked for a second piece and asked if I could make it a bigger one :).

It's also been snowing for a good bit of the last week, which was lots of fun.  The uni even got closed for it on Thursday, which as that was my busy day, I was quite happy about.  There were flurries going almost all day.  Of course, one flatmate here is from Norway, so he just found all the snow hype to be funny; apparently that is normal fall weather for them.  But I guess when it's unusual, especially this early in the year, it can cause some chaos.  It was great fun though :)
My update about this last weekend, however warrants it's own blog post.  So that is forthcoming (and soon, I promise!)